Monday, 29 April 2013

Is Aloe Vera good for my hair?

Aloe Vera Have been noted to be very beneficial for quite a number of things skin, body and of course your hair. I'm sure you would have noticed that this ingredient is in your shampoos and conditioners, skin lotions, shower gels etc. Has it ever crossed your mind to ask why? Well, I have listed some thing that Aloe Vera have been known for promoting when it comes to beautiful hair.

What is Aloe Vera?

This have often been referred to as a wonder-plant.

The Aloe leaf structure is made up of four layers:
Rind - the outer protective layer;
Sap - a layer of bitter fluid which helps protect the plant from animals;
Mucilage Gel - the inner part of the leaf that is filleted out to make Aloe Vera gel.

  1. It Promotes Hair Growth  - According to the University of Hawaii researchers, Aloe Vera has been a hair loss remedy for as far back as the ancient Egyptians. This is because Aloe Vera is said to contain an enzyme that is directly responsible for hair growth. These proteolitic enzymes help remove dead skin on the scalp that may be clogging the follicle and preventing proper penetration of nutrients in the hair. 
  2. Relieves Itching ans Dryness 
  3. Reduces Dandruff
  4. Great conditioning Agent
  5. Helps Hair retain Water & Moisture
  6. Adds Strength and Luster To Hair

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